Vidarbha Youth Welfare Society's

Prof. Ram Meghe Institute of Technology and Research
Badnera - Amravati 444701(MS)

(Formerly College of Engineering, Badnera) - Estd. 1983

An Autonomous Institute

(Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University)

CGPA 3.43

Master Of Computer Application

Next IT has put India on Global map. It is the torch-bearer of high-tech and financial growth of the nation. Spin off IT development will decide where India stands. Nation looks at IT with lot of expectations MCA program run by PRMIT & R which creates skilled human resource at the level of programmer, system analyst, project manager and system manager for Software Industries relating to Banking, Network communication, Multimedia & Web Technology etc. Apart from syllabus coverage, the students are given ample opportunities to take part in seminars, workshops and conferences for developing their interactive learning. PRMIT & R focuses on recruitment of highly qualified and competent faculty members who are devoted whole heartedly for the overall development of students. The Institute is proud of its faculty who combine the wisdom of experience with dynamism of freshness. In addition to the core faculty, experts from industry, professionals and eminent personalities recognized for their contributions in research, training and consultancy are also invited to deliver lectures on specialized topics to supplement traditional academic programmes. We also send members of faculty for training in the latest technologies and use of modern media of instructions. This programme was started in July, 2009 with a view to produce high quality information system professionals. The students of the MCA programme undergo intensive theoretical and practical training in various aspects of Computer Science and Information System development.


"An academic involvement to disseminate knowledge through a harmonious blend of computer technology, engineering and application for professional services to the nation."


M1 : "To devote ourselves to the utmost standard of professional education using latest technologies and urban infrastructure for uplifting the rural sections and converting them into skillful software technocrats."

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO1 : Preparation: To strive for overall personality development of students so as to nurture not only quintessential technocrats but also responsible citizens and to steer the organization towards becoming a pace setting centre of excellence.

PEO2: Core Competence: To educate students with the fundamentals of engineering sciences, basic Mechanical engineering, mechanical design and analysis to improve their overall engineering skills so that graduates will able to design mechanical systems containing functionality, aesthetics, safety, cost effectiveness and sustainability.

PEO2: Core Competence :To equip the students with the fundamentals of Data Structures, Database management system, Computer Oriented Optimization techniques and Programming methodology. To teach the students about the collection, analysis, organization of data and enhance their ability to convert it into useful information. Also to make the students understand management of information systems along with an understanding of the principles of management and of business systems.

PEO3: Breadth: To inculcate in students professional and ethical attitude, effective communication skills, teamwork skills, multidisciplinary approach and an ability to relate engineering issues to broader social context.

PEO4: Professionalism: To inculcate the value systems & ethics, leadership and team work skills, bring holistic development of personality and to promote entrepreneurial thinking among students

PEO5: Learning Environment: To promote student with an academic environment aware of excellence, leadership, written ethical codes and guidelines and the life-long learning needed for a successful professional career.

Program Specific Program Outcomes

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

a -An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, computing and management in the field of computer software.

b - An ability to identify, formulate, design and solve intricate computing problems, as well as to analyze and interpret data.

c -Able to develop algorithms, and implement them in various programming languages.

d - An ability to create and use techniques, expertise and modern computing tools necessary to solve complex computing problems

e -An ability to effectively communicate technical information and complex problems through improved communication and interpersonal skills

f - Graduates will develop an attitude of continuous learning.

g -Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of values and professional ethics in their activities

h - Graduates will develop confidence to face challenges in their career.

Syllabus for Master Of Computer Application

(Semester Pattern)
Scheme & Syllabus of Master Of Computer Application

B.E. Projects 2021-22

Sr. No.
Name of Faculty
Title of project
Prof. N. D. Bobade
Alumni Web Portal
Prof. V. A. Sinha
Automation of Schooling System
Prof. A. J. Pimprikar
BitCoin Price Pridiction using python with ML technology
Prof. D. S. Deshmukh
Campus ERP
Prof. R. R. Sherekar
Client Relationship Management
Prof. V. A. Sinha
Dermocare-Online Consultation
Prof. N. D. Bobade
D'Profile & D'Biz
Prof. D. S. Deshmukh
E - Learning Application
Prof. A. J. Pimprikar
E - Learning For Technical Job Seekers
Prof. D. S. Deshmukh
ELMS System
Prof. N. D. Bobade
Generalized Feedback System
Prof. V. A. Sinha
Jungle Safari
Prof. A. J. Pimprikar
Local Farm (B2B)
Prof. D. S. Deshmukh
LPG Gas Weight, Leakage, Fire Detaction And Booking System
Prof. A. J. Pimprikar
Movie Ticket Booking
Prof. D. S. Deshmukh
Mushroom Classification Using Python With ML Technology
Prof. R. R. Sherekar
Netflix Replica
Prof. V. A. Sinha
News Web Portal
Prof. D. S. Deshmukh
Online Banking Portal
Prof. A. J. Pimprikar
Online Diagnostic Lab
Prof. A. J. Pimprikar
Online Food Ordering System
Prof. D. S. Deshmukh
Online News Portal
Prof. N. D. Bobade
Online Quiz Portal
Prof. V. A. Sinha
Pleasent Care
Prof. N. D. Bobade
Project Allotment Monitoring and Scheduling
Prof. A. J. Pimprikar
Sign Language Recognition using Python with ML technology
Prof. A. J. Pimprikar
Smart Health Care Management System
Prof. D. S. Deshmukh
Social Distancing Measurement And Alert System
Prof. N. D. Bobade
Student Record Management
Prof. V. A. Sinha
Techno Quest

Civil Engineering Department has signed Memorandum of Understanding with

Year Name of Company Date
2017-18 Executive Engineer, Irrigation Project, Amravati 26th Feb 2018
2017-18 Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna 2nd July 2017
2017-18 Construction Quality Control and ConstroChem (CQCC) 19th June 2017
2017-18 Umap Builders & Developers 19th June 2017

News Letter 2017

SN Companies Visited JOB Opportunities
1 Cognizant S/W Developer
3 TCS S/W Developer
4 Quick heal S/W Developer
5 Persistent S/W Programmer
6 Syntel S/W Developer
7 Wipro S/W Programmer
8 Zensar S/W Developer
9 Capgemini S/W Programmer
10 Eternus Solution S/W Developer
11 Webtech Developer Web Developer

Team Training and Placement, Dept. of MCA, P.R.M.I.T. & R, Badnera is working rigorously for the placement of students in various national and multinational companies. Various training activities are carried out at the Institute level as well as dept. level to improve technical as well as soft skills of the students. Institute level activities include CRT training which is provided twice a year for the upliftment of the students. Department is taking extra efforts for improving confidence amongst the students by carrying out a unique activity named as CBS (Content Beyond Syllabus). It is the weekly activity that includes various aspects that will enhance the confidence and stage confidence of students. The activities such as debate, elocution, round table conference, presentations by students on their area of interest, etc. are carried out that will provide the platform to showcase their talent resulting in boosting of their confidence.
Apart from all these, we also provide various internships to the students that improve their practice and field knowledge which is most important. The student gains knowledge regarding actual working culture on site and industries which is of prime importance as far as MCA is concerned. He/She gain knowledge regarding the actual scenario and problems that create obstruction on and off the field.
The department is striving hard for students to get placed in renowned organizations and Industries. Much well-known company such AMBUJA CEMENT, Nagpur, MAHINDRA FINANCE, Indore, SHREE BULLION, Pune, APHA ENGINEER & CONSULTANT, Pune have visited the campus last year and many of our students got placed with handsome packages. Also, many of the reputed companies are under pipeline which will visit the Institution this year too.

List of Students Placed in Different Companies during the Academic Year 2018-19
Sr. No.Name of StudentCompany
1.Rushabh GadkariApha Engineer & Consultant, Pune.
2.Pratik ThakareApha Engineer & Consultant, Pune.
3.Dhanashri DagwarApha Engineer & Consultant, Pune.
4.Mrunal MetangeApha Engineer & Consultant, Pune.
5.Sagar BhopaleShree Buildcon, Pune
6.Sumit TidkeShree Buildcon, Pune
Internship offered to students during the Academic Year 2018-19
Sr. No.Name of StudentName of CompanyAddress of CompanyDuration
1Ravindra R. RautRPS Infra Project Pvt. Ltd.113 – C, Shyam Kamal Agrawal Market, Vile Parle (E) Mumbai 40005713th June – 30th June 2019
2Kunal R. KatreRPS Infra Project Pvt. Ltd.113 – C, Shyam Kamal Agrawal Market, Vile Parle (E) Mumbai 40005713th June – 30th June 2019
3Kunal S. HuskeRPS Infra Project Pvt. Ltd.113 – C, Shyam Kamal Agrawal Market, Vile Parle (E) Mumbai 40005713th June – 30th June 2019
4Karan S. RathodDEE VEE Projects Ltd.1st Floor, Vikash Complex Power House Road, Korba9th Jan to 9th Feb 2019
5Ajay G. RathodDEE VEE Projects Ltd.1st Floor, Vikash Complex Power House Road, Korba9th Jan to 9th Feb 2019
6Saurav M. KankiradBalaji Structural Consultancy2nd Floor, Gulshan Plaza, Rajapeth, Badnera Road Amravati 44460120th July to 20th Sep 2018
7Pranjali A. NikhadeBalaji Structural Consultancy2nd Floor, Gulshan Plaza, Rajapeth, Badnera Road Amravati 44460120th July to 20th Sep 2018
8Shubhangi U. BharsakadeBalaji Structural Consultancy2nd Floor, Gulshan Plaza, Rajapeth, Badnera Road Amravati 44460120th July to 20th Sep 2018
9Charuksha A. RautBalaji Structural Consultancy2nd Floor, Gulshan Plaza, Rajapeth, Badnera Road Amravati 44460120th July to 20th Sep 2018
10Priya V. GugulmaneBalaji Structural Consultancy2nd Floor, Gulshan Plaza, Rajapeth, Badnera Road Amravati 4446011st July to 1st Sep 2019
11Sneha P. BhagatBalaji Structural Consultancy2nd Floor, Gulshan Plaza, Rajapeth, Badnera Road Amravati 4446011st July to 1st Sep 2019
12Pragati B. KhotBalaji Structural Consultancy2nd Floor, Gulshan Plaza, Rajapeth, Badnera Road Amravati 4446011st July to 1st Sep 2019
13Rohit S. IngoleInstitute of Architectural GraphicsIAG, Laxminagar Sadar Nagpur6th Dec to 5th Jan 2019
14Shubham A. BhendkarInstitute of Architectural GraphicsIAG, Laxminagar Sadar Nagpur6th Dec to 5th Jan 2019
15Pranit D. DeoleInstitute of Architectural GraphicsIAG, Laxminagar Sadar Nagpur6th Dec to 5th Jan 2019
16Pratik P. ThakareInstitute of Architectural GraphicsIAG, Laxminagar Sadar Nagpur6th Dec to 5th Jan 2019
The internship offered to students during the Academic Year 2017-18
Sr. No.Name of StudentName of CompanyAddress of CompanyDuration
1Sandip D. KharadeBalaji Structural Consultancy2nd Floor, Gulshan Plaza, Rajapeth, Badnera Road Amravati 4446011st July to 30th August 2017
2Sandip D. KharadeAstu Shilp ConsultancyVastushilp, Club Layout, SBI Road Buldhana4th Dec to 4th Jan 2018
3Tejaswini G. SaojiBalaji Structural Consultancy2nd Floor, Gulshan Plaza, Rajapeth, Badnera Road Amravati 44460117th Dec to 17th Feb 2018
4Gayatri KaleSandeep Shikre AssociatesPrabhadevi Industrial Estate, Veer Savarkar Marg, Mumbai 4000255thJuneto 5thJuly2017
5Vaishnavi S. ChoudharyWestern Coalfields LimitedBallarpur Area, 44270610th Dec to 5th Jan 2018
6Tejasv S. SandM/s. S. Navin BuildersJ & D Mall, Shyam Chowk, Amravati07th Oct to 2nd Jan 2018
Internship offered to students during the Academic Year 2016-17
Sr. No.Name of StudentName of CompanyAddress of CompanyDuration
1Gauri R. KawareBalaji Structural Consultancy2nd Floor, Gulshan Plaza, Rajapeth, Badnera Road Amravati 4446011st July to 1st Sep 2016
2Shivani P. KaduBalaji Structural Consultancy2nd Floor, Gulshan Plaza, Rajapeth, Badnera Road Amravati 44460120th July to 20th June 2016
3Swati S. DakreBalaji Structural Consultancy2nd Floor, Gulshan Plaza, Rajapeth, Badnera Road Amravati 44460120th July to 20th June 2016
4Tejaswini G. SaojiBalaji Structural Consultancy2nd Floor, Gulshan Plaza, Rajapeth, Badnera Road Amravati 4446011st July to 1st Sep 2016
5Shital K. KukadeBalaji Structural Consultancy2nd Floor, Gulshan Plaza, Rajapeth, Badnera Road Amravati 44460120th July to 20th June 2016
6Mayank LoyaShapoorji Pallonji & Company Pvt. Ltd.SP Centre, 41/44, Minoo Desai Marg, Colaba, Mumbai 4000051st Feb to 25th Mar 2017

List of Students Selected in for Industry Internship: Session 2018-2019

Project Title
Name of Mentor
Name of projectee
Name of Company
Internet of Things
Hrishikesh J. Dhande
Mr.Shubham Chaudhari
Final Year-A
1st June 2018 to 30th July 2018
Internet of Things
Hrishikesh J. Dhande
Mr. Abhishek Deshmukh
Final Year-A
1st June 2018 to 30th July 2018
PhP Web Developer
Santosh Kadari
Mr.Aditya Balapure
Third Year-C
Zealium Technologies Pvt.Ltd.Pune
11th June 2018 to 11th July 2018
Android & IoT
Mr.Nakul Deshmukh
Nayana G. Khente
Third Year-A
iBase Electrosoft, Amravati
6th Aug 2018 to 3rd Nov 2018
Android & IoT
Mr.Nakul Deshmukh
Monika Vitthal Nanane
Third Year-A
iBase Electrosoft, Amravati
6th Aug 2018 to 3rd Nov 2018
Android & IoT
Mr.Nakul Deshmukh
Himanshu Prabhakarrao Kolse
Third Year-A
iBase Electrosoft, Amravati
6th Aug 2018 to 3rd Nov 2018
Android & IoT
Mr.Nakul Deshmukh
Sahil Vilas Kakde
Third Year-A
iBase Electrosoft, Amravati
6th Aug 2018 to 3rd Nov 2018
Android & IoT
Mr.Nakul Deshmukh
Sagar Shivkumar Jivtani
Third Year-A
iBase Electrosoft, Amravati
6th Aug 2018 to 3rd Nov 2018
Android & IoT
Mr.Nakul Deshmukh
Yash Sureshkumar Puraswani
Third Year-A
iBase Electrosoft, Amravati
6th Aug 2018 to 3rd Nov 2018
Android & IoT
Mr.Nakul Deshmukh
Amey Deshpande
Third Year-A
iBase Electrosoft, Amravati
6th Aug 2018 to 3rd Nov 2018
Advance Java
Ms.Tanuja Barbudhe
Mrunal Khandade
Third Year-B
JK Innovative Amravati
6th Aug to 10th Nov 2018
Advance Java
Ms.Tanuja Barbudhe
Pranjal Dongre
Third Year-B
JK Innovative Amravati
6th Aug to 10th Nov 2018
Advance Java
Ms.Tanuja Barbudhe
Monika Nanane
Third Year-B
JK Innovative Amravati
6th Aug to 10th Nov 2018
Advance Java
Ms.Tanuja Barbudhe
Tanay Mahajun
Third Year-B
JK Innovative Amravati
6th Aug to 10th Nov 2018


To become a pace-setting Centre of excellence believing in three Universal values namely Synergy, Trust, and Passion, with zeal to serve the Nation in the global scenario.


  • M1 : To achieve the highest standard in technical education through the state-of-the-art pedagogy and enhanced industry Institute linkages.

  • M2 : To inculcate the culture of research in core and emerging areas.

  • M3 : To strive for overall development of students so as to nurture ingenious technocrats as well as responsible citizens.


  • To strive for global recognition through academic excellence in Engineering & Technology

  • To enhance the percentage of placement

  • To promote students for innovation and entrepreneurship