
V. A. Sinha

Assistant Professor

Qualification :- Ph.D (Pursuing),M.Phil CS , M.C.A. , B.Ed

Subject Tought

Operating System, System Administartion and Security, Data Communication and Networking, Software engg, Artificial Intelligence and Application

Teaching Experience

15 Year

Industrial Experience

1 Year

Area of Interest

Linux Networking , Operating System, System Adminstration

Papers Published

National: 6, International: 15


Email.:vinit.sinha84@gmail.com Mob. No.:9673528170

Sr. No Paper Name Paper Link
1 “Open Source Software – Study of Requirement for its Development” in (IJLTET) International Journal of Latest Trends in Engingg. & Technology, Vol. 6 (1) ISSN 2278 – 621X ONLINE, on September 2015 (INDIA). Click Here
2 Firewall Design Techniques and its Development in Linux System” in (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 6 (5) , 2015, 4571-4574 ISSN 0975 – 9646 on Sep-Oct 2015 published by TechScience Publicatio Click Here
3 Linux as platform for Development of Application Mobility ” in RESEARCH BULLETIN ( An International Quarterly Research Journal ISSN2231-1025 ) vol-23 on APR 2015 published by Shri Dadasaheb Gawai Charitable Trust Amravati Regd no E-275 (M.S.) Click Here
4 Comparison of virtual machine with Linux content – A performance oriented approach ” in RESEARCH BULLETIN ( An International Quarterly Research Journal ISSN2231-1025 ) vol-20 on JULY 2014 published by Shri Dadasaheb Gawai Charitable Trust Amravati Click Here
5 “ Implementation of Linux System as Mobile Cloud Computing ” in RESEARCH BULLETIN ( An International Quarterly Research Journal ISSN2231-1025 ) vol-14 on JAN 2013 published by Shri Dadasaheb Gawai Charitable Trust Amravati Regd no E-275 (M.S.) Click Here
6 Impact of Virtual Network (virtualization) on Cloud Computing” in RESEARCH BULLETIN ( An International Quarterly Research Journal ISSN2231-1025 ) vol-10 on Jan 2012 published by Shri Dadasaheb Gawai Charitable Trust Amravati Regd no E-275 (M.S.) Click Here
7 Design of Web Robot & It’s Future Trends ” in RESEARCH BULLETIN ( An International Quarterly Research Journal ISSN2231-1025 ) vol-7 on APR 2011 published by Shri Dadasaheb Gawai Charitable Trust Amravati Regd no E-275 (M.S.) Click Here
8 Cloud Computing – Security issue Analyses ” at international conference on Multidisciplinary Research : Promoting Innovative and Sustainable Global Business on 17th Jan 2015 organized by Department of Management studies of Sipna College of Engineer Click Here
9 Open Source versus Commercial Firewalls – An functional Comparison ” at international interdisciplinary conference on Research in Behavioural science The Road Ahead 2013 on 17th & 18th Oct 2013 organized By Takshashila Mahavidyalaya In collabora Click Here
10 Linux kernel : Implementing in Reduction of CPU Power Usage ” at international conf. on Emerging trends for value creation In the Era of Knowledge Economy on 17 & 18 Feb 2012 organized by Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies , Nagpur . Click Here
11 Linux as Virtual Interface Architecture for Network Block Device ” at national conference on National Conference on “ Advance Technologies in Computer & Networking (ATCON-2015) ” held on 2nd Apr 2015 jointly organised by MAMI and P.G. Dept of Comp Click Here
12 Internet Banking – Effects on Bank Performance & Risks” at One Day National level Conference in commerce On “E-Commerce, E-Business and its Impact on Global Business” on 4th Aug 2012 Dept. Of Commerce, Takshashila Mahavidyalaya dist. Amravati. (M Click Here
13 Role of Information Technology In Updating Teaching Process in Education Era ” at One Day National Interdisciplinary Conference On Role of IT in Education on 22nd Dec 2012 Dept of comp Sci & Mgmt. ,Takshashila Mahavidyalaya dist. Amravati. (M.S.) Click Here
14 Digital Convergence ” at national level seminar held on 23rd -25th February 2010 under Quality Improvement programme , University of Pune organised by SMT. Hiraben nanvati Institute of management & research for women , Pune (M.S.) Click Here
15 Utilization of power and drawing solution on its crisis within Maharashtra ” at One Day State level Conference On Power Crisis in Maharashtra and it’s Economy on 6th Feb 2010 in Y.D.V.D. Arts , commerce & science College Teosa , dist. Amravati. (M Click Here
16 Trends in M-Commerce & It’s Application” at One Day State level Seminar On Current Trends in Commerce Education on 28th Jan 2011 in Model Arts , commerce College Karanja (gh) , dist. Wardha. (M.S.) Click Here
Sr.No Portfolio Name Start date End date
1 Programming Lab Incharge 2014-06-16 till date
2 Research and Development 2014-06-16 till date
3 Departmental Website Coordinator 2014-06-16 till date
4 IITB workshop coordinator 2017-07-01 till date
5 Office Documentation Incharge 2014-06-16 till date
6 BioMetric Incharge 2014-06-16 till date
7 IPR incharge ( department level ) 2017-03-07 till date
8 ISTE / IETE Student chapter Incharge 2017-07-01 till date
9 Class Test Incharge ( internal ) 2017-07-01 till date
10 Class Teacher 2018-08-01 till date