
Vivek R. Raut

Associate Professor

Qualification :- BE(ENTC), ME (Electronics Engg)

Subject Tought

Digital Sigal Processing, Electronic Circuit Design, Electronic Devices and Circuits - I and II, Microprocessor and Microcontrollers, Mobile Computing, Electrical Engineering,

Teaching Experience

33 Years

Industrial Experience

0 Year

Area of Interest

Analog/Digital Design, VLSI Design

Papers Published

National :0, International : 8


E-mail.:rautvivek@rediffmail.com Mob. No.: 9421818789

Sr.No Paper Name Paper Link
1 Content based image retrieval: A past, present and new feature descriptor 2015 Click Here
2 An Image Removal Using Local Tetra Patterns for Content Based Image Retrieval Click Here
3 An Implementation and Analysis of Image Base Key Generation and Authentication for Cyber Security Click Here
4 A Survey on Implementation and Analysis of Image base key generation and Authentication for Cyber Security Click Here
5 New Randomized Cryptographic Image Base Key Generation Click Here
6 Analysis of Geometric Distorted Shape for Retrieval From Database Click Here
7 Review of Shape Retrieval Approach with Geometric Distortion Click Here
8 An Efficient Approach for Shape Retrieval With Geometric Distortion: ICSTSD 2016 International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, May 24 - 26, 2016 Click Here
9 Design and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Networks: ZigBee for Air Cooler Device”, National Conference on Emerging trends in Electronics Engineering and Computing, JD college of Engineering, Nagpur February 9-10, 2010 Click Here
11 Industrial Process Parameter Control using Ethernet Click Here
12 PCI-XP: A Third Generation I/O Interconnect (Placed in Best Paper category) Name of Conference: International Conference on Systemic, Cybernetics and Informatics- ICSCI – 2008, Hyderabad (India) Click Here
13 FPGA Implementation of Low Power Booth Multiplier Using Radix-4 Algorithm Prof. V.R.Raut Click Here
14 Low Power Booth Multiplier Using Radix-4 Algorithm On FPGA Click Here
15 Generic Lossless Visible Watermarking: A Review Click Here
16 Generic Lossless Visible Watermarking Click Here
17 Implementation and Analysis of Image Base Key Generation and Authentication for Cyber Security Click Here
18 Palm Print Recognition and Authentication Using Digital Image Processing Technique Click Here
Sr.No Portfolio Name Start date End date
1 Dean(Academics) 2014-04-24 Till Date