
Dr. Gaurav J. Sawale

Associate Professor

Qualification :- BE, ME, PhD (Pursuing)

Subject Tought

1. Artificial Intelligence, 2. Data Structures, 3. Assembly Language Programming, 5. Discrete Structure, 6. Numerical & Statistical Methods, 7. Expert System Design, 8. Operation Research, 9.Discrete Structures, 10.C programming, 11. Data Structure & Algorithm.

Teaching Experience

12 Year

Industrial Experience

0 Year

Area of Interest

Database,Data Mining

Papers Published

National :3, International : 16


1. Data Structures, 2. Data Structures & Algorithm


E-mail.: gjsawale@mitra.ac.in Mob. No.: 9822737843

1 XML DOM Parsing Using Tree-Branch Symbiosis Algorithm Click Here
2 Use of Artificial Neural Network in Data Mining For Weather Forecasting Click Here
3 Proposal of PMIPv6 Handover delay improvement with eMAG Click Here
Sr.No Portfolio Name Start Date End Date
1 ERP Coordinator of the department 2012-09-15 Till date
2 Deadstock Incharge of the department 2015-08-15 Till Date
3 Data Structure lab In charge 2013-08-12 Till date
4 Class Teacher of Final year Section A 2013-07-02 1/05/2017
5 Teacher Guardian of Third & Second Year students 2015-09-12 Till Date
6 Member of NBA committee of the department 2015-10-16 Till Date
7 Purchase & Budget coordinator of the department 2014-08-15 Till Date
8 Member of NAACcommittee for Criterion 4 of the Institute 2017-02-02 Till Date
9 Admission Incharge of the department 2015-10-16 Till Date