
Dr. Nupoor M.Yawale

Associate Professor

Qualification :- M.E. (CSE), B.E.(CSE)

Subject Tought

1.Computer Architecture & Organization, 2.C-Programming Language, 3.Data Communication, 4.Big Data analytics, 5.Object oriented programming, 6.Computer Graphics

Teaching Experience

8 Year

Industrial Experience

0 Year

Area of Interest

Network Security, Computer Programming

Papers Published

National :1, International : 12


Computer Organization and Architecture


E-mail.: nmyawale@mitra.ac.in Mob. No.: 9764452680

Sr.No Paper Name Paper Link
1 A Result Analysis on Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing System of Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing through Trusted TPA Click Here
2 Third Party Auditing (TPA) for Data Storage Security in Cloud with RC5 Algorithm Click Here
3 Face Detection and Recognition using Eigen Faces by using PCA Click Here
4 Research on Neural Network Based MultiAgent Semantic Web Content Mining Click Here
5 Public Integrity Auditing through Trusted Third Party Auditor for Storage Security in Cloud Computing Click Here
6 Third Party Auditing For Secure Data Storage in Cloud through Trusted Third Party Auditor Using RC5 Click Here
7 Research Paper on Xml Based Knowledge Representation using Scripts Click Here
8 Digital Watermarking and fingerprinting: A good idea for security Click Here
9 An Efficient Approach for Enhancing Web Search Results Delivery Click Here
10 A Review on Data Storage Security and Privacy Protection Issues in Cloud Computing Click Here
11 An Overview of Metamorphic Cryptographic Technique for Video Security Click Here
12 Optimization Parameters In Wireless Networks Click Here
13 A Review Paper on Online Restaurant Management System Click Here
14 Study and Analysis of Various Options for Utilization of Bandwidth Optimally in Wireless Networks Click Here
Sr.No Portfolio Name Start Date End Date
1 Result Analysis 2015-07-01 2018
2 FYBE Form Feeling Committee 2016-17 2016-08-03 10/03/2016
3 DSY Form Feeling Committee 2016-17 2016-08-31 09/03/2016
4 P3-First Year academics 2016-07-01 Till Date
5 Spoken Tutorial 2017-07-01 2018
6 FYBE Form filling Committee 2017-18 2017-07-25 31/07/2017
7 Magazine Committee 2017 2016-08-01 2017
8 Magazine Committee 2018 2017-08-08 2018
9 Student feedback committee 2018-02-25 2018