
Komal R. Hole

Associate Professor

Qualification :- B.E, M.E., Phd (Pursuing)

Subject Tought

1. Object oriented analysis and design 2. Theory of Computation 3. Design & Analysis of Algorithm 4. Data Structure 5. Discrete Structure 6. Operating System 7. Computing Resourses Management 8. Data Mining & Warehousing

Teaching Experience

10 Year

Industrial Experience

0 Year

Area of Interest

Machine Learning,Natrural Language Processing, Data Mining, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Papers Published

National :1, International : 15


Data Mining & Warehousing


E-mail.: krhole@mitra.ac.in Mob. No.: 9503412083

Sr.No Paper Name Paper Link
1 Application of Genetic Algorithm for Image Enhancement and Segmentation Click Here
2 Expert System for the Diagnosis of Memory Loss Diseases using Rule-Based and Case-Based Expert System Click Here
3 Review: Expert System for Diagnosis of Memory Loss Diseases Click Here
4 Rule-based Expert System for Diagnosis of Memory Loss Diseases Click Here
5 Research Paper on Xml Based Knowledge Representation using Scripts. Click Here
6 Review: Applications of Ant Colony Optimization Click Here
7 Review: Web Semantics in Cloud Computing Click Here
8 Review o f Various Soft Computing Methods In Agriculture. Click Here
9 Review: Web Semantics in Cloud Computing Click Here
10 Task Scheduling in Real-Time System using EDF Click Here
11 A Review: The Internet of Things Using Fog Computing Click Here
12 Web based Carpooling Android Application Click Here
13 Internet of Things: Recent Applications and Challenges. Click Here
Sr.No Portfolio Name Start Date End Date
1 Class Teacher 2013-07-13 01/06/2017
2 Co-ordinator of News Letter 2013-07-17 07/06/2017
3 Co-ordinator of Departmnetal Maintenance 2016-11-11 07/06/2017
4 coordinator of Guest lectures 2015-07-07 07/06/2017
5 Dead-stock Maintenance 2017-02-12 07/06/2017
6 Extra-Intra curricular activity 2017-06-27 Till Date
7 Research Publications 2017-06-27 Till Date
8 Staff Interaction with outside world 2017-06-27 Till Date
9 Coordinator of Art-Club 2017-06-27 Till Date
10 Workshop of Multimedia & Graphics 2017-06-27 Till Date